Last updated on December 19th, 2020 at 09:10 am
In the current environment which we live in today, we are being exposed to an ever-increasing amount of electromagnetic radiation. A lot of people think that these products that generate this radiation are beneficial technologically. But, in this article, we are going to examine the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans.
Many products such as appliances, computers and computer accessories, cell phones, microwave ovens, and many others emit EMF radiation on a constant basis while in use. So is this radiation and the exposure to it something that we should be worried about? Long before these products existed, the original source of radiation was the sun. The sun emitted electromagnetic radiation then and continues to do so today. If you step out into the sun, you are exposed to this radiation and as long as the sun shines on this earth, you will continue to be exposed.
With the advent of the light bulb and electricity, this radiation increased in terms of things that carry it like the lines that carry electricity and the metal poles supporting them. More recently in the current age, we have various medical devices and products utilizing and emitting radiation.
Many people think that electromagnetic radiation is not dangerous, while there are others in the scientific community who are still doing studies on this subject. The purpose of this article is to dig into the details of what this electromagnetic radiation is, and to explore if there are any harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans.
Table of Contents
EMF Types
First, let’s takes a look at the different types of EMF radiation. The first type is the type of radiation thought to not cause damage to humans. This is referred to as non-ionizing radiation. This EMF radiation is emitted at a lesser level. Electrical lines, routers, cell phones, and microwaves are sources of non-ionizing radiation.
The other type of radiation is the type that can cause cell damage to living things. This is referred to as ionizing radiation. Some examples of this would be X rays from medical devices, and UV rays of any type.
Electric Field Limit
There is a group that issues their recommendations for exposure to electromagnetic radiation. This group called the ICNIRP (The International Commission Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). The help to set the electric field limit.
These ICNIRP baseline suggestions are followed for testing by most brands and manufacturers of appliances. However, when it comes to cell towers, electric lines, and other EMF sources in the public, these responsibilities fall on the government (either local or federal) and the utilities in the public sector.
Volts per meter is the means by which EMF fields can be rated or measured. The strength of the EMF field is rated by the higher the number of volts/meter.
Harmful Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation On Humans Research
One of the biggest areas of contention when it comes to the effects of EMF radiation is that there is no strong body of evidence proving that EMF radiation can damage the human body. There are multiple studies out there from different groups stating that EMF radiation “is possibly linked” to various health problems. One of these health problems is cancer.
When it comes to cancer, there have been a variety of studies both in the U.S. and Europe examining this topic. However, there is a lot of work still to be done in this area. There have been many experiments done involving cell phone use and cancer, as well as other devices emitting EMF radiation. But, as of now, very little conclusive evidence of direct connection has been presented by the scientific community between this EMF radiation and cancer.
The bottom line is that more research is needed on the harmful effects of EMF radiation on humans, and many more studies involving large sample sizes to create some directly relatable conclusive evidence. There are also many other studies involving the effect of EMF radiation on the nervous system and the human body. One final area being explored is the effect of EMF radiation on the human body’s ability to sleep and how it affects the normal rhythms of the body. We will await the results of these future studies which will hopefully provide more clarity on this subject.
How Does EMF Affect The Human Body
The idea that the human body is exposed to EMF is not a new one. In the last 100 years, the invention of electricity and new products and technologies which emit EMF radiation is what is continuing to increase. This development of new products continues to increase the levels of EMF in our everyday environment. These EMF fields are everywhere now including our home and our work. Sources include both industrial and domestic items and many items that transmit or utilize electricity for their functionality.
In the human body, there are very small currents of electricity. These are part of your body’s natural processes. Through the transmission of electrical signals, your nervous system is able to send messages to the rest of your body. There are processes in the human body like digestion of food, and brain functions that involve particles being charged. The ECG machine can measure the flow of electricity through your heart. So, the conclusion is that our body has various parts that are affected by EMF radiation. However, the total effects are still unknown.
The below video provides excellent insight into the human body, how EMF radiation can affect it, and gives both a medical and scientific perspective on EMF as how it relates to our health.
EMF Symptoms Of Exposure
Some scientists believe that EMF can affect and cause problems in the human body. One serious symptom could be the presence of any tumor or cancer. Some other possible symptoms due to EMF exposure could be tiredness, memory loss, weight loss, itchy skin, problems with sleep, nausea, headaches, vertigo, and others.
As we have stated previously, there are very few direct studies showing conclusively that EMF radiation is the root cause of these problems. Unfortunately, this means we must wait longer for more studies and more input from the scientific community on this subject.
Our recommendation is that if you have any of the above conditions, please consult directly with your physician or medical professional for the appropriate treatment to ensure you stay healthy.
How To Protect Yourself From EMF
Earlier in this article, we talked about ionizing radiation (UV and X-ray radiation). The best way to avoid this type of radiation is to restrict your exposure outside when in direct sun to limit UV exposure and possible damage. This would include using proper sunscreen. When it comes to X-rays, consider only getting X-rays for procedures that are required by your physician.
In many of our previous articles on our website, we have talked about products for protection in the home. Some of these include EMF Harmonizers, EMF Neutralizing Plugs, dirty electricity filters, EMF shielding paint, guard covers for your router, Faraday cages for your cell phone and Faraday bags for other electronic devices, EMF shields, Smart meter guard covers, EMF floor mats, and many others. I would highly recommend checking out our post on the best EMF Protection in the home to see which one of these items could be beneficial for you in the home environment.
Another way to protect yourself from EMF is to use low EMF emitting products. We have reviewed quite a few of these products, including baby monitors, heating pads, saunas, space heaters, microwaves, and more.
Some other possible ways to protect yourself from EMF can include: keep your electronic devices and cell phones a safe distance away while sleeping, do not put your phone near your head (rather use the speaker function as often as possible), try to disconnect from these devices on a consistent basis. This is good for your health and your soul as well.
Another thing to keep in mind is to keep reading and stay educated on any new studies on EMF radiation and keep informed on new developments and products in this area. One of the purposes of our website is to keep you aware and updated on new developments when it comes to EMF radiation.
Be sure also to also check out our articles on how to how to locate 5g towers near you and How To Protect Your Home From Cell Phone Tower Radiation.
So to wrap up, our purpose in this article was to educate you on the types of EMF radiation and to hopefully give you some insight as to whether or not there are harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans. In addition, we discussed research on EMF radiation, and how it affects the human body. Finally, we looked at ways you can protect yourself from EMF radiation both in the home and work environment.
Now that you are informed on this topic, our next recommendation would be to take a look at some of the products and suggestions we have provided on how to make your home and work a safer environment from an EMF perspective. Put some of these products and practices to work for you, and we will be certain you will be on a path to a more healthy lifestyle which will surely be beneficial for you.
Thanks. With the onset of 5G it is important to be aware of this issue.
I don’t have the luxury of not having internet as I work from home. But as soon as our office opens up again I’m ditching the wifi.
I’ll be purchasing a plug soon.